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Command Line Reference

This reference describes the syntax of the Lodestar CLI commands and their options.

Global Options

Option Type Description Default
--rootDir string Lodestar root directory
--network string Name of the Ethereum Consensus chain network to join mainnet
--paramsFile string Network configuration file
--terminal-total-difficulty-override string Terminal PoW block TTD override
--terminal-block-hash-override string Terminal PoW block hash override
--terminal-block-hash-epoch-override string Terminal PoW block hash override activation epoch


Run a beacon chain node


Run a beacon chain node and connect to the prater testnet

beacon --network prater


Option Type Description Default
--port number The TCP/UDP port to listen on. The UDP port can be modified by the --discovery-port flag. 9000
--discoveryPort number The UDP port that discovery will listen on. Defaults to port port
--forceGenesis boolean Force beacon to create genesis without file
--genesisStateFile string Path or URL to download a genesis state file in ssz-encoded format
--logLevel string Logging verbosity level info
--logLevelFile string Logging verbosity level for file transport info
--logRotate boolean Daily rotate log files
--logMaxFiles number Number of log files to maintain while rotating logs(if provided with logRotate)
--configFile string Beacon node configuration file path
--logFile string Path to output all logs to a persistent log file array Pick namespaces to expose for HTTP API. Set to '*' to enable all namespaces ["beacon","config","events","node","validator"] string Configures the Access-Control-Allow-Origin CORS header for HTTP API * boolean Enable/disable HTTP API true string Set host for HTTP API number Set port for HTTP API 9596
--chain.proposerBoostEnabled boolean Enable proposer boost to reward a timely block false
--eth1.enabled boolean Whether to follow the eth1 chain true
--eth1.providerUrl string [DEPRECATED] Url to Eth1 node with enabled rpc [DEPRECATED]
--eth1.providerUrls array Urls to Eth1 node with enabled rpc http://localhost:8545
--eth1.depositContractDeployBlock number Block number at which the deposit contract contract was deployed 0
--execution.urls array Urls to execution client engine API
--execution.timeout number Timeout in miliseconds for execution engine API HTTP client
--jwt-secret string File path to a shared hex-encoded jwt secret which will be used to generate and bundle HS256 encoded jwt tokens for authentication with the EL client's rpc server hosting engine apis. Secret to be exactly same as the one used by the corresponding EL client.
--metrics.enabled boolean Enable the Prometheus metrics HTTP server false
--metrics.port number Listen TCP port for the Prometheus metrics HTTP server 8008
--metrics.address string Listen address for the Prometheus metrics HTTP server undefined
--network.discv5.enabled boolean Enable discv5 true
--network.discv5.bindAddr string Local multiaddress to listen on for discv5 /ip4/
--network.discv5.bootEnrs array Bootnodes for discv5 discovery []
--network.maxPeers number The maximum number of connections allowed 55
--network.targetPeers number The target connected peers. Above this number peers will be disconnected 50
--network.bootMultiaddrs array Libp2p peers to connect to on boot []
--network.localMultiaddrs array Local listening addresses for req/resp and gossip /ip4/
--network.subscribeAllSubnets boolean Subscribe to all subnets regardless of validator count false
--network.connectToDiscv5Bootnodes boolean Attempt direct connection to discv5 bootnodes from network.discv5.bootEnrs option false
--network.discv5FirstQueryDelayMs number Delay the 1st heart beat of Peer Manager after starting Discv5 1000
--terminal-total-difficulty-override string Terminal PoW block TTD override
--terminal-block-hash-override string Terminal PoW block hash override
--terminal-block-hash-epoch-override string Terminal PoW block hash override activation epoch
--enr.ip string Override ENR IP entry
--enr.tcp number Override ENR TCP entry
--enr.udp number Override ENR UDP entry
--enr.ip6 string Override ENR IPv6 entry
--enr.tcp6 number Override ENR (IPv6-specific) TCP entry
--enr.udp6 number Override ENR (IPv6-specific) UDP entry
--weakSubjectivityStateFile string Path or URL to download a weak subjectivity state file in ssz-encoded format
--weakSubjectivitySyncLatest boolean Sync and start from a weak subjectivity state at --weakSubjectivityCheckpoint (if provided, else fetches the latest finalized) via the --weakSubjectivityServerUrl
--weakSubjectivityServerUrl string Pass in a server url hosting Beacon Node APIs from which to fetch weak subjectivity state, required in conjunction with --weakSubjectivitySyncLatest or --weakSubjectivityCheckpoint.
--weakSubjectivityCheckpoint string To fetch and start beacon node off a state at the provided weakSubjectivity checkpoint, to be supplied in : format. For example, 0x1234:100 will sync and start off from the weakSubjectivity state at checkpoint of epoch 100 with block root 0x1234.


Run one or multiple validator clients


Run one validator client with all the keystores available in the directory .prater/keystores

validator --network prater


Option Type Description Default
--keystoresDir string Directory for storing validator keystores. $rootDir/keystores
--secretsDir string Directory for storing validator keystore secrets. $rootDir/secrets
--logLevel string Logging verbosity level info
--logLevelFile string Logging verbosity level for file transport info
--logRotate boolean Daily rotate log files
--logMaxFiles number Number of log files to maintain while rotating logs(if provided with logRotate)
--keymanagerEnabled boolean Enable keymanager API server
--keymanagerAuthEnabled boolean Enable token bearer authentication for keymanager API server true
--keymanagerPort number Set port for keymanager API 5062
--keymanagerHost string Set host for keymanager API
--keymanagerCors string Configures the Access-Control-Allow-Origin CORS header for keymanager API *
--logFile string Path to output all logs to a persistent log file
--validatorsDbDir string Data directory for validator databases. $rootDir/validator-db
--server string Address to connect to BeaconNode
--force boolean Open validators even if there's a lockfile. Use with caution
--graffiti string Specify your custom graffiti to be included in blocks (plain UTF8 text, 32 characters max)
--importKeystoresPath array Path(s) to a directory or single filepath to validator keystores, i.e. Launchpad validators ./keystores/*.json
--importKeystoresPassword string Path to a file with password to decrypt all keystores from importKeystoresPath option ./password.txt
--externalSignerUrl string URL to connect to an external signing server
--externalSignerPublicKeys array List of validator public keys used by an external signer. May also provide a single string a comma separated public keys
--externalSignerFetchPubkeys boolean Fetch then list of pubkeys to validate from an external signer
--metrics.enabled boolean Enable the Prometheus metrics HTTP server false
--metrics.port number Listen TCP port for the Prometheus metrics HTTP server 5064
--metrics.address string Listen address for the Prometheus metrics HTTP server


Utilities for generating and managing Ethereum Consensus accounts

account validator

Provides commands for managing Ethereum Consensus validators.


The options below apply to all subcommands.

Option Type Description Default
--keystoresDir string Directory for storing validator keystores. $rootDir/keystores
--secretsDir string Directory for storing validator keystore secrets. $rootDir/secrets

account validator create

Creates new validators from an existing EIP-2386 wallet using the EIP-2333 HD key derivation scheme. Creates a new directory per validator with a voting keystore, withdrawal keystore, and pre-computed deposit RPL data


Create a validator from HD wallet named 'primary'

account validator create --name primary --passphraseFile primary.pass


Option Type Description Default
--name string Use the wallet identified by this name
--passphraseFile string A path to a file containing the password which will unlock the wallet.
--depositGwei string The GWEI value of the deposit amount. Defaults to the minimum amount required for an active validator (MAX_EFFECTIVE_BALANCE)
--storeWithdrawalKeystore boolean If present, the withdrawal keystore will be stored alongside the voting keypair. It is generally recommended to not store the withdrawal key and instead generate them from the wallet seed when required.
--count number The number of validators to create 1

account validator deposit

DEPRECATED. Please use the official tools to perform your deposits - eth2.0-deposit-cli: - Ethereum Foundation launchpad:



account validator import

Imports one or more EIP-2335 keystores into a Lodestar validator client directory, requesting passwords interactively. The directory flag provides a convenient method for importing a directory of keys generated by the eth2-deposit-cli Ethereum Foundation utility.


Import validator keystores generated with the Ethereum Foundation Staking Launchpad

account validator import --network prater --directory $HOME/eth2.0-deposit-cli/validator_keys


Option Type Description Default
--keystore string Path to a single keystore to be imported.
--directory string Path to a directory which contains zero or more keystores for import. This directory and all sub-directories will be searched and any file name which contains 'keystore' and has the '.json' extension will be attempted to be imported.
--passphraseFile string Path to a file that contains password that protects the keystore.

account validator list

Lists the public keys of all validators


List all validator pubkeys in the directory .testing/keystores

account validator list --keystoresDir .testing/keystores

account validator recover

Recovers validator private keys given a BIP-39 mnemonic phrase. If you did not specify a --firstIndex or count --count, by default this will only recover the keys associated with the validator at index 0 for an HD wallet in accordance with the EIP-2333 spec.


Recover validator

account validator recover


Option Type Description Default
--count number The number of validators to create 1
--depositGwei string The GWEI value of the deposit amount. Defaults to the minimum amount required for an active validator (MAX_EFFECTIVE_BALANCE)
--storeWithdrawalKeystore boolean If present, the withdrawal keystore will be stored alongside the voting keypair. It is generally recommended to not store the withdrawal key and instead generate them from the wallet seed when required.
--mnemonicInputPath string If present, the mnemonic will be read in from this file.
--firstIndex number The first of consecutive key indexes you wish to recover.

account validator slashing-protection

Import or export slashing protection data to or from another client.


The options below apply to all subcommands.

Option Type Description Default
--server string Address to connect to BeaconNode
--force boolean If genesisValidatorsRoot can't be fetched from the Beacon node, use a zero hash
account validator slashing-protection import

Import an interchange file.


Import an interchange file to the slashing protection DB

account validator slashing-protection import --network prater --file interchange.json


Option Type Description Default
--file string The slashing protection interchange file to import (.json).
account validator slashing-protection export

Export an interchange file.


Export an interchange JSON file for all validators in the slashing protection DB

account validator slashing-protection export --network prater --file interchange.json


Option Type Description Default
--file string The slashing protection interchange file to export to (.json).

account validator voluntary-exit

Performs a voluntary exit for a given validator (as identified via publicKey. If no publicKey is provided, a prompt will ask the user which validator they would like to choose for the voluntary exit.


Perform a voluntary exit for the validator who has a public key 0xF00

account validator voluntary-exit --publicKey 0xF00


Option Type Description Default
--keystoresDir string Directory for storing validator keystores. $rootDir/keystores
--secretsDir string Directory for storing validator keystore secrets. $rootDir/secrets
--logLevel string Logging verbosity level info
--logLevelFile string Logging verbosity level for file transport info
--logRotate boolean Daily rotate log files
--logMaxFiles number Number of log files to maintain while rotating logs(if provided with logRotate)
--keymanagerEnabled boolean Enable keymanager API server
--keymanagerAuthEnabled boolean Enable token bearer authentication for keymanager API server true
--keymanagerPort number Set port for keymanager API 5062
--keymanagerHost string Set host for keymanager API
--keymanagerCors string Configures the Access-Control-Allow-Origin CORS header for keymanager API *
--logFile string Path to output all logs to a persistent log file
--validatorsDbDir string Data directory for validator databases. $rootDir/validator-db
--server string Address to connect to BeaconNode
--force boolean Open validators even if there's a lockfile. Use with caution
--graffiti string Specify your custom graffiti to be included in blocks (plain UTF8 text, 32 characters max)
--importKeystoresPath array Path(s) to a directory or single filepath to validator keystores, i.e. Launchpad validators ./keystores/*.json
--importKeystoresPassword string Path to a file with password to decrypt all keystores from importKeystoresPath option ./password.txt
--externalSignerUrl string URL to connect to an external signing server
--externalSignerPublicKeys array List of validator public keys used by an external signer. May also provide a single string a comma separated public keys
--externalSignerFetchPubkeys boolean Fetch then list of pubkeys to validate from an external signer
--metrics.enabled boolean Enable the Prometheus metrics HTTP server false
--metrics.port number Listen TCP port for the Prometheus metrics HTTP server 5064
--metrics.address string Listen address for the Prometheus metrics HTTP server
--publicKey string The public key of the validator to voluntarily exit
--exitEpoch number The epoch upon which to submit the voluntary exit. If no value is provided, then we default to the currentEpoch.

account wallet

Provides commands for managing Ethereum Consensus wallets.


The options below apply to all subcommands.

Option Type Description Default
--walletsDir string Directory for storing wallets. $rootDir/wallets

account wallet create

Creates a new HD (hierarchical-deterministic) EIP-2386 wallet


Create an HD wallet named 'primary'

account wallet create --name primary --passphraseFile primary.pass


Option Type Description Default
--walletsDir string Directory for storing wallets. $rootDir/wallets
--name string The wallet will be created with this name. It is not allowed to create two wallets with the same name for the same --base-dir.
--passphraseFile string A path to a file containing the password which will unlock the wallet. If the file does not exist, a random password will be generated and saved at that path. To avoid confusion, if the file does not already exist it must include a '.pass' suffix.
--type string The type of wallet to create. Only HD (hierarchical-deterministic) wallets are supported presently. hd
--mnemonicOutputPath string If present, the mnemonic will be saved to this file

account wallet list

Lists the names of all wallets


List all wallets in .network/wallets

account wallet list --walletsDir .network/wallets

account wallet recover

Recovers an EIP-2386 wallet from a given a BIP-39 mnemonic phrase.


Recover wallet

account wallet recover


Option Type Description Default
--walletsDir string Directory for storing wallets. $rootDir/wallets
--name string The wallet will be created with this name. It is not allowed to create two wallets with the same name for the same --base-dir.
--passphraseFile string A path to a file containing the password which will unlock the wallet. If the file does not exist, a random password will be generated and saved at that path. To avoid confusion, if the file does not already exist it must include a '.pass' suffix.
--type string The type of wallet to create. Only HD (hierarchical-deterministic) wallets are supported presently. hd
--mnemonicOutputPath string If present, the mnemonic will be saved to this file
--mnemonicInputPath string If present, the mnemonic will be read in from this file.


Initialize Lodestar directories and files necessary to run a beacon chain node. This step is not required, and should only be used to prepare special configurations


Initialize a configuration for the Prater testnet. Then, you can edit the config file undefined to customize your beacon node settings

init --network prater


Cmd init has all the options from the beacon cmd.


Quickly bootstrap a beacon node and multiple validators. Use for development and testing


Start a single beacon node with 8 interop validators

dev --genesisValidators 8 --reset


Cmd dev has all the options from the beacon cmd.

Option Type Description Default
--keymanagerEnabled boolean Enable keymanager API server
--keymanagerAuthEnabled boolean Enable token bearer authentication for keymanager API server true
--keymanagerPort number Set port for keymanager API 5062
--keymanagerHost string Set host for keymanager API
--keymanagerCors string Configures the Access-Control-Allow-Origin CORS header for keymanager API *
--importKeystoresPath array Path(s) to a directory or single filepath to validator keystores, i.e. Launchpad validators ./keystores/*.json
--importKeystoresPassword string Path to a file with password to decrypt all keystores from importKeystoresPath option ./password.txt
--genesisEth1Hash string If present it will create genesis with this eth1 hash.
--genesisValidators number If present it will create genesis with interop validators and start chain.
--startValidators string Start interop validators in inclusive range with notation '0:7'
--genesisTime number genesis_time to initialize interop genesis state
--reset boolean To delete chain and validator directories
--server string Address to connect to BeaconNode. Pass 'memory' for in memory communication